Amor de Otoño

José Luis Perales
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Él tomaba el sol cada mañana

He sunbathed every morning

Sentado en ese banco solitario

Sitting on that lonely bench

Fumando cigarrillos de nostalgia

Smoking cigarettes of nostalgia

Y conversando con su soledad... nananana.

And conversing with his loneliness... nananana.

Ella lo miraba de reojo

She glanced at him sideways

Envuelta en una nube de palomas

Wrapped in a cloud of doves

Jugando con el viento del otoño

Playing with the autumn wind

Como un adolescente en libertad... nananana

Like a teenager in freedom... nananana

Pensando que algún día fue feliz.

Thinking that someday she was happy.

La mira él

He looks at her

Desde su cielo de nieve y sal

From his sky of snow and salt

Desde su banco de sombra y sol

From his bench of shadow and sun

Mientras escucha su corazón

While he listens to his heart



Lo mira ella

She looks at him

Desde su cielo sereno y gris

From her serene and gray sky

Desde su otoño amarillo y miel

From her yellow and honey autumn

Mientras escucha su corazón

While she listens to her heart



Por él.

For him.

Le pregunta él como te llamas

He asks her, "What's your name?"

Ella se ruboriza y le sonríe

She blushes and smiles at him

Se cruzan en silencio sus miradas

Their gazes cross in silence

Me llamaré como prefieras tú... nananana

"I'll be called whatever you prefer"... nananana

Me llamaré como prefieras tú.

"I'll be called whatever you prefer."

El amor no es de hoy ni de mañana

Love is not of today or tomorrow

Es tan intemporal como la luna

It's as timeless as the moon

Será quizá una broma del destino

Perhaps it's a trick of destiny

Pero se han vuelto hoy a enamorar... nananana

But today they have fallen in love again... nananana

Pero se han vuelto hoy a enamorar.

But today they have fallen in love again.

La mira él

He looks at her

Desde su cielo de nieve y sal

From his sky of snow and salt

Desde su banco de sombra y sol

From his bench of shadow and sun

Mientras escucha su corazón

While he listens to his heart



Lo mira ella

She looks at him

Desde su cielo sereno y gris

From her serene and gray sky

Desde su otoño amarillo y miel

From her yellow and honey autumn

Mientras escucha su corazón

While she listens to her heart



Por el.

For him.

Moderated by Laura Fernández
Bogotá, Colombia July 30, 2024
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