Cruz diablo

Los Redondos
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Zippo, que estaba hecho migas,

Zippo, who was in pieces,

se mandó en una picada

sent himself on a binge

chistando a su mala sombra

mocking his bad luck

sin copiloto ni nada.

without a co-pilot or anything.

Zippo va camino del infierno

Zippo is on the road to hell

cagando leches:

hauling ass:

no supo repartir sus fichas

he couldn't distribute his chips wisely

y su cielo ennegrece.

and his sky darkens.

Nunca fue un listo de pesos,

He was never a clever one with pesos,

siempre un listo de centavos.

always a clever one with cents.

Su boca arde en maldiciones

His mouth burns with curses

que se tragan mal.

that are hard to swallow.

Se va gritando: Cruz Diablo!

He goes screaming: Cross Devil!

por pura cortesía.

out of pure courtesy.

El Himno de Tangópolis le dice

The Anthem of Tangópolis tells him

(Como al oído...)

(Whispering in his ear...)

que sus aventuras pegan mal

that his adventures stick poorly

y anuncian poco.

and announce little.

El tipo maduró pronto

The guy matured early

y se pudrió bien temprano,

and rotted early as well,

un barro que asfixia esa anguila

mud that suffocates that eel

es la salvajada.

is the brutality.

Si el perro es manso

If the dog is tame

come la bazofia y no dice nada;

he eats the garbage and says nothing;

le cuentan las costillas con un palo,

they count his ribs with a stick,

a carcajadas.


Demasiados los moretones,

Too many bruises,

muy pocos encantamientos.

too few enchantments.

Son tantos los cocineros

There are so many cooks

que joden la sopa.

spoiling the soup.

Su rocanrol sangra oídos,

His rock and roll bleeds ears,

ya que Dios le truchó el boleto.

since God tricked him with the ticket.

Zippo, una risa de mil dientes

Zippo, a laugh with a thousand teeth

cargados de azufre.

loaded with sulfur.

Moderated by Laura Fernández
Bogotá, Colombia August 2, 2024
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