Los PrisionerosLyrics
Te confundo en las sombras voy tras tu respiración
I confuse you in the shadows, I go after your breath
Mis palabras son torpes dominas la situación
My words are clumsy, you dominate the situation
Dame un poco mas de tu boca toda tu piel me provoca
Give me a little more of your mouth, your whole skin provokes me
En el suelo embarrada esta mi dignidad
On the ground, my dignity is smeared
Mis complejos mis traumas sabes bien manejar
You know how to handle my complexes, my traumas well
Poco a poco tu asesinas al poeta estúpido y
Little by little, you kill the stupid poet and
No vuelvo a ser igual tu me sabes transformar
I won't be the same again, you know how to transform me
Después de ti nací después de ti morí
I was born after you, I died after you
Siento y río y mato y creo y piso y lloro y corro y te grito
I feel and laugh and kill and believe and step and cry and run and scream at you
Eve eve eve eve eve eve evelyn
Eve, eve, eve, eve, eve, evelyn
No distingo a donde naces tu muero yo
I don't distinguish where you are born, I die
Ya mis ojos se nublan ya tirita mi voz
My eyes are already clouded, my voice shivers
Dame un poco mas de tu boca toda tu piel me provoca
Give me a little more of your mouth, your whole skin provokes me
Esta noche no pienso hoy me dejo llevar
Tonight I don't think, today I let myself go
Desarmado y desnudo he perdido el control
Disarmed and naked, I've lost control
Poco a poco tu asesinas al poeta estúpido y
Little by little, you kill the stupid poet and
No vuelvo a ser igual tu me sabes transformar
I won't be the same again, you know how to transform me
Después de ti nací después de ti morí
I was born after you, I died after you
Siento y río y mato y creo y piso y lloro y corro y te grito
I feel and laugh and kill and believe and step and cry and run and scream at you
Eve eve eve eve eve eve evelyn
Eve, eve, eve, eve, eve, evelyn