
Los Panchos
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Yo soy un humilde cancionero, y cantarte quiero,

I am a humble songwriter, and I want to sing to you,

Una historia humana, pues se que te ama,

A human story, for I know that he loves you,

quien me hizo este ruego

who made this request to me.

Si la ves, cancionero dile tú que soy feliz,

If you see her, songwriter, tell her that I am happy,

Que por ella muchas veces te pedí,

That for her, many times I asked you,

una canción para brindar, por su alegría

a song to toast, for her joy.

Si la ves, cancionero dile claro en tu canción,

If you see her, songwriter, clearly tell her in your song,

Que en mis ojos amanece su ilusión,

That in my eyes, her illusion dawns,

como una nueva primavera, cada día

like a new spring, every day.

No le digas, que me viste, muy triste y muy cansado

Don't tell her that you saw me, very sad and very tired,

No le digas, que sin ella, me siento destrozado,

Don't tell her that without her, I feel shattered,

Si la ves, cancionero vuelve pronto a mi rincón,

If you see her, songwriter, come back soon to my corner,

Y aunque mientas has feliz mi corazón,

And even if you lie, make my heart happy,

Vuelve a decirme que me quiere, todavía

Come back and tell me that she still loves me.

No le digas, que me viste, muy triste y muy cansado

Don't tell her that you saw me, very sad and very tired,

No le digas, que sin ella, me siento destrozado,

Don't tell her that without her, I feel shattered,

Si la ves, cancionero vuelve pronto a mi rincón,

If you see her, songwriter, come back soon to my corner,

Y aunque mientas has feliz mi corazón,

And even if you lie, make my heart happy,

Vuelve a decirme que me quiere, todavía

Come back and tell me that she still loves me.

Moderated by Laura Fernández
Bogotá, Colombia September 19, 2024
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