El Buey
Los Capos de MexicoLyrics
Si por que te vengo a ver crees que te vengó a rogar
If because I come to see you, you think I've come to beg
Nomás vine a conocer a ese wey que traes
I just came to meet that guy you're with
Y las sobras que yo dejo te las vino a levantar
And the leftovers I leave, he came to pick up
Dices que tu amigo es macho y que me quiere matar
You say your friend is tough and wants to kill me
Que me cite donde quiera si quiere ser mi rival
That he can challenge me wherever if he wants to be my rival
No le hace que sea una mera para mi ha de ser igual
It doesn't matter if she's just a woman, to me, she's the same
Dices que te amigo es malo y de muy mal corazón
You say your friend is bad and has a very bad heart
Que me cite donde quiera para quitarle lo agachon
That he can challenge me wherever to take away his cowardice
Ya vera que en el panteón nos pertenece un rincón.
He'll see that in the cemetery, we have a corner reserved
Dices que tu amigo es gacho y que trae cuerno de chivo
You say your friend is mean and carries a chivo horn
Que no presuma lo bravo que no llega ni a novillo
That he shouldn't boast about being tough, he's not even a calf
Que andando yo enojado hasta le rompo el hocico
That if I'm angry, I'll even break his nose
Ya con esta me despido a los que me están oyendo
With this, I bid farewell to those who are listening to me
Si a los que les corresponde no les esta pareciendo
If those it concerns aren't pleased
Les multiplico las cuentas y hasta me salen debiendo
I'll multiply their accounts and they'll end up owing me