Moneda Sin Valor
Los Cadetes de LinaresLyrics
Que sentimiento te impulsó para dejarme?
What feeling prompted you to leave me?
Y que ganaste al destrozarme el corazón?
And what did you gain by shattering my heart?
Tanto te ame que hasta por ti pensé matarme
I loved you so much that I even thought of killing myself for you
Oh que ironía de este mundo tan traidor
Oh, what irony in this treacherous world
Si un día regresas con tu amor a provocarme
If one day you return to provoke me with your love
Yo te aconsejo se te olvide la intención
I advise you to forget the intention
Porque un amor cundo es sincero nunca miente
Because when love is sincere, it never lies
Tu me has pagado con moneda sin valor
You have repaid me with a worthless coin
Te perdone una vez y lo volviste a hacer
I forgave you once and you did it again
T te burlaste siempre de mi corazón
You always mocked my heart
Ahora comprendo que tu amor no vale nada
Now I understand that your love is worthless
Eres moneda que ha quedado sin valor
You're a coin that has become worthless
Si un día regresas con tu amor a provocarme
If one day you return to provoke me with your love
Yo te aconsejo se te olvide la intención
I advise you to forget the intention
Porque un amor cundo es sincero nunca miente
Because when love is sincere, it never lies
Tu me has pagado con moneda sin valor
You have repaid me with a worthless coin
Te perdone una vez y lo volviste a hacer
I forgave you once and you did it again
T te burlaste siempre de mi corazón
You always mocked my heart
Ahora comprendo que tu amor no vale nada
Now I understand that your love is worthless
Eres moneda que ha quedado sin valor
You're a coin that has become worthless