Cantad Alegres

Jesús Adrián Romero
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Cantad alegres a Dios

Sing joyfully to God

Habitantes de la tierra

Inhabitants of the earth

Glorificad al creador

Glorify the Creator

Reconoced su grandeza

Acknowledge His greatness

Con alegría cantad

Sing with joy

De su poder y su gloria

Of His power and His glory

Servidle con regocijo

Serve Him with rejoicing

Pues nos ha hecho sus hijos

For He has made us His children

Te damos alabanzas Señor

We give you praise, Lord

Te has vestido de honor y poder

You have clothed yourself with honor and power

Las naciones tributo darán

Nations will give tribute

A tu nombre por la eternidad

To your name for eternity

Y tu reino la tierra cubrirá

And your kingdom will cover the earth

Lo declaramos Señor

We declare it, Lord

Moderated by Sofia Diaz
Guatemala City, Guatemala July 29, 2024
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