
Jarabe de Palo
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Dicen que venimos al mundo a sufrir

They say we come into the world to suffer

Que la vida es un engaño

That life is a deception

Que si juegas tienes que jugar a ganar

That if you play, you have to play to win

Que eres lo que tienes

That you are what you have

Y tienes lo que mereces

And you have what you deserve

Vives, ganas, pierdes

You live, you win, you lose

Dicen que es así

They say that's how it is

Dicen que no queda nada por descubrir

They say there's nothing left to discover

Que ya está todo inventado

That everything is already invented

Que solo hay un camino que hay que seguir

That there's only one path to follow

Que aquí estamos de paso

That we're just passing through

Y mejor no tentar a la suerte

And it's better not to tempt fate

Suerte, vida, muerte

Luck, life, death

Dicen que es así

They say that's how it is

Y a veces dicen, dicen, dicen

And sometimes they say, say, say

Y no saben lo que dicen

And they don't know what they're saying

Yo he venido a este mundo a vivir

I came to this world to live

La vida es un regalo

Life is a gift

Y si juego es porque me gusta jugar

And if I play, it's because I like to play

No soy ni más ni menos

I'm neither more nor less

Ni sé qué es lo que me merezco

I don't know what I deserve

Siento, vivo, pienso

I feel, I live, I think

Que más puedo pedir

What more can I ask for

Y a veces dicen, dicen, dicen

And sometimes they say, say, say

Y no saben lo que dicen

And they don't know what they're saying

Dicen que venimos al mundo a sufrir

They say we come into the world to suffer

Que la vida es un engaño

That life is a deception

Dicen que si juegas juega para ganar

They say that if you play, play to win

Que vivir es un pecado

That living is a sin

Dicen que no queda nada por descubrir

They say there's nothing left to discover

Que ya está todo inventado

That everything is already invented

Dicen que solo hay un camino a seguir

They say there's only one path to follow

Que aquí estamos de paso

That we're just passing through

Y a veces dicen, dicen, dicen

And sometimes they say, say, say

Y no saben lo que dicen

And they don't know what they're saying

Moderated by Miguel Sanchez
San Juan, Puerto Rico September 14, 2024
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