La Valentina

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Valentina, valentina,

Valentina, Valentina,

Yo te quisiera decir

I would like to tell you

Que una pasión me domina

That a passion dominates me

Y es la que me hizo venir.

And it's the one that made me come.

Dicen que por tus amores

They say that because of your loves

Un mal me van a seguir,

An evil will follow me,

No le hace que sean el diablo

It doesn't matter if they are the devil

Yo también me sé morir.

I also know how to die.

Si porque tomo tequila

If it's because I drink tequila

Mañana tomo jerez,

Tomorrow, I'll drink sherry,

Si porque me ven borracho

If it's because they see me drunk

Mañana ya no me ven.

Tomorrow, they won't see me anymore.

Valentina, valentina,

Valentina, Valentina,

Rendido estoy a tus pies,

I am surrendered at your feet,

Si me han de matar mañana

If they are going to kill me tomorrow

Que me maten de una vez.

Let them kill me at once.

Moderated by Lucia Flores
Tegucigalpa, Honduras July 25, 2024
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