
Horacio Palencia
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Tu me entregabas todo

You gave me everything

Sin pedirme nada

Without asking me for anything

Y por mi bienestar

And for my well-being

Siempre te preocupabas.

You always cared

Con hechos demostraste

You showed with actions

Cuanto me querias

How much you loved me

Mi vida era tan completa

My life was so complete

Como te tenia

As I had you

Hasta que un dia me confie

Until one day I confided

Y tontamente descuide...

And foolishly I neglected...

Descuide de tu amor

I neglected your love

Y cometi muchos herrores

And made many mistakes

Deje de ser el detallista aquel

I stopped being that detail-oriented one

Y ya jamas te mande flores.

And never sent you flowers again

Descuide tus encantos

I neglected your charms

No valore tu compania

I didn't value your company

Indiferente a tu forma de ser

Indifferent to how you were

Fui un animal que te ofendia.

I was an animal that offended you

Hasta que un dia te canse

Until one day I wearied you

Y asi sin mas te fui perdiendo

And just like that, I began losing you

Se fue el amor que ayer sentias por mi

The love you felt for me yesterday left

Y ahora por ti me estoy muriendo

And now, for you, I'm dying

Moderated by Daniel Ramos
La Paz, Bolivia September 16, 2024
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