No Soy Digno

Hermana Glenda
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No soy digno de que entres tú en mi casa (bis)

I am not worthy that you enter my house (repeat)

No soy digno de que entres tú en mi casa (bis)

I am not worthy that you enter my house (repeat)

Pero dime una palabra tuya y yo me sanaré (bis)

But give me a word of yours, and I will be healed (repeat)

Sólo dime una palabra tuya y yo me sanaré (bis)

Just give me a word of yours, and I will be healed (repeat)

Sólo dame un aliento tuyo y yo tendré vida (bis)

Just give me a breath of yours, and I will have life (repeat)

Sólo dame un aliento tuyo y yo daré vida (bis)

Just give me a breath of yours, and I will give life (repeat)

Sólo dame una mirada tuya y yo podré ver / x4

Just give me a look of yours, and I will be able to see (repeat x4)

Sólo dame una sonrisa tuya y yo podré reír (bis)

Just give me a smile of yours, and I will be able to laugh (repeat)

Sólo dame una sonrisa tuya y yo haré reír (bis)

Just give me a smile of yours, and I will make others laugh (repeat)

Sólo dame una caricia tuya y yo acariciaré...

Just give me a caress of yours, and I will caress...

Pero dime una palabra tuya y eso bastará...

But give me a word of yours, and that will be enough...

Moderated by Javier Sánchez
Bogotá, Colombia December 11, 2024
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