Diego León

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En la ciudad de toledo

In the city of Toledo

Y en la ciudad de granada

And in the city of Granada

Ahi se criara un mancebo

There, a young man will be raised

Que diego león se llama

Who is called Diego León

De una tal se enamoró

He fell in love with a certain woman

De una muy hermoza dama

A very beautiful lady

Se miran por una reja

They gaze at each other through a grille

También por una ventana

Also through a window

Un dia que estaban juntos

One day when they were together

Dijo león a su dama

León said to his lady

- mañana te he de pedir

"Tomorrow I will ask you

No se si es cosa cercana

I don't know if it's something near"

- aunque mi padre no quiera

"Even if my father doesn't want it

Eso negociado estaba

That negotiation was settled"

Lo que la dama responde

What the lady responds

Al mozo le agradaba

Pleased the young man

Otro dia en la mañana

Another day in the morning

Con don pedro se encontrara

He will meet with Don Pedro

De rodillas en el suelo

On his knees on the ground

Los buenos dias le daba

He gave him good morning

- don pedro, dame a tu hija

"Don Pedro, give me your daughter

A tu hija doña juana

Your daughter Doña Juana"

- mi hija no es de cazar

"My daughter is not to be caught

Que aún es niña y muchacha

She is still a girl and a young lady"

- hija, león te ha pedido

"Daughter, León has asked for you

Vayasse en hora mala

Go away in bad time"

- ese es hombre que no tiene

"That's a man who doesn't have

De caudal para una capa

Wealth for a cape"

- padre, casaime con el

"Father, marry me to him

Y aunque nunca me deis nada

And even if you never give me anything"

- ke los bienes deste mundo

"For the goods of this world

Diós los daba y los quitaba

God gave them and took them away"

Ahi conoció don pedro

There, Don Pedro realized

Ke de amores se trataba

That love was involved

Alquiló quatro valientes

He hired four valiant men

Los mayores de la playa

The greatest of the beach

Ke ande encontrén a león

That they find León

Ke le sacaran el arma

That they bring out their weapons

A la subida de un monte

At the top of a hill

Con los quatro se encontrara

With the four they will meet

León que se vió sin armas

León, who found himself unarmed

A la mar se tira y nada

Throws himself into the sea and swims

Unos dicen que murió

Some say he died

Diós le perdone su alma

God forgive his soul

Otros dicen que le vieron

Others say they saw him

A la otra parte del agua

On the other side of the water

No son tres dias pasados

Not three days passed

León en la playa estaba

León was on the beach

Por donde fuera a pasar?

Where would he go?

Por la calle de su dama

Through the street of his lady

- mi dama que no responde

"My lady, who does not respond

Parece que está trocada

It seems she is changed"

- no estoy trocada, león

"I'm not changed, León

Que aún estoy en mi palabra

I'm still in my word"

Abajó las escaleras

She descended the stairs

Como una leona brava

Like a fierce lioness

Y otro dia en la mañana

And another day in the morning

Las ricas bodas se armaran.

The rich weddings will be arranged.

Moderated by María Pérez
Mexico City, Mexico May 25, 2024
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