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Vamos a cruzar el bosque de la vida te vas a asustar

Let's cross the forest of life, you will be scared

Te sentiras perdida es tu noche negra tendras que vivirla

You'll feel lost, it's your dark night, you'll have to live it

Estaré contigo para compartirla todo es tan confuso

I'll be with you to share it, everything is so confusing

Todo es tan oscuro no mires atrás no hallaras salida

Everything is so dark, don't look back, you won't find a way out

Corre hacia adelante por tu laberinto y dame tu mano que estaré contigo

Run forward through your labyrinth and give me your hand, I'll be with you

Donde estás mi cielo

Where are you, my heaven?

Donde vas si te pierdo ahora moriras

Where are you going? If I lose you now, you'll die

Donde estás te busco si te vas solo se que tú me encontraras

Where are you? I search for you; if you go, I know you'll find me

Buscaras su rostro entre los espejos y no habrá

You will seek his face among the mirrors, and there won't be

Más sombras todo quedo lejos

More shadows, everything is far away

Nunca estes vencida aunque todo falle busca otro camino siempre habrá salida

Never be defeated, even if everything fails, seek another path, there will always be a way out

El se encontrara con su laberinto, debera cruzarlo llegara distinto

He will face his labyrinth; he must cross it, he will arrive differently

Y vendra tu encuentro será luz tu vida

And your encounter will come; your life will be light

Y tu noche negra se volvera día

And your dark night will turn into day

Donde estás mi cielo

Where are you, my heaven?

Donde vas si te pierdo ahora moriras

Where are you going? If I lose you now, you'll die

Donde estás te busco si te vas solo se que tú me encontraras

Where are you? I search for you; if you go, I know you'll find me

Donde estás mi cielo

Where are you, my heaven?

Donde vas si te pierdo ahora moriras

Where are you going? If I lose you now, you'll die

Donde estás te busco si te vas solo se que tú me encontraras

Where are you? I search for you; if you go, I know you'll find me

Donde estás mi cielo

Where are you, my heaven?

Donde vas si te pierdo ahora moriras

Where are you going? If I lose you now, you'll die

Donde estás te busco si te vas solo se que tú me encontraras

Where are you? I search for you; if you go, I know you'll find me

Moderated by Diego Martín
Caracas, Venezuela September 22, 2024
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