No Pasa Nada
Si tu cabeza esta loca
If your head is crazy
Y con pastillas no alcanza
And pills are not enough
Y no tenes mas recetas
And you don't have more prescriptions
Para salir a comprar
To go out and buy
Y si tu boca esta seca
And if your mouth is dry
Y con las birras no alcanza
And with beers, it's not enough
Y la gente que te extraña cuando te ve vomitar
And the people who miss you when they see you vomit
No pasa nada no hay problema
Nothing happens, no problem
Esta condena nunca va a acabar
This sentence will never end
Si trabajas siempre duro y la guita no te alcanza
If you work hard and the money is not enough
Y te hace ruido la panza
And your stomach makes noise
Que se empieza a agujerear
That starts to get holes
Si la nariz te moquea
If your nose is running
Y mil pañuelos te alcanzan
And a thousand tissues are enough
Quizas entonces mañana
Perhaps then tomorrow
Podras volver a empezar
You can start over
No pasa nada
Nothing happens
No hay problema
No problem
Esta condena nunca va a acabar
This sentence will never end
No pasa nada
Nothing happens
No te hagas problema
No worries
Esta condena
This sentence
Nunca va a acabar
Will never end