Un Vestido y Un Amor (Te Vi)
Fito PáezLyrics
Te vi, juntabas margaritas del mantel
I saw you, picking daisies from the tablecloth
Ya sé que te traté bastante mal
I know I treated you quite badly
No sé si eras un ángel o un rubí
I don't know if you were an angel or a ruby
O simplemente te vi
Or if I simply saw you
Te vi, saliste entre la gente a saludar
I saw you, emerging from the crowd to wave
Los astros se rieron otra vez
The stars laughed once again
La llave de mandala se quebró
The key to the mandala broke
O simplemente te vi
Or if I simply saw you
Todo lo que diga está de más
Anything I say is unnecessary
Las luces siempre encienden en el alma
The lights always illuminate the soul
Y cuando me pierdo en la ciudad
And when I get lost in the city
Vos ya sabés comprender
You already know how to understand
Es solo un rato, no más
It's just a while, nothing more
Tendría que llorar o salir a matar
I would have to cry or go out to kill
Te vi, te vi, te vi
I saw you, I saw you, I saw you
Yo no buscaba nadie y te vi
I wasn't looking for anyone, and I saw you
Te vi, fumabas unos chinos en Madrid
I saw you, smoking some Chinese in Madrid
Hay cosas que te ayudan a vivir
There are things that help you live
No hacías otra cosa que escribir
You did nothing but write
Y yo simplemente te vi
And I simply saw you
Me fui, me voy, de vez en cuando, a algún lugar
I left, I go, from time to time, to some place
Ya sé, no te hace gracia este país
I know, you don't like this country
Tenías un vestido y un amor
You had a dress and a love
Yo simplemente te vi
I simply saw you
Todo lo que diga está de más
Anything I say is unnecessary
Las luces siempre encienden en el alma
The lights always illuminate the soul
Y cuando me pierdo en la ciudad
And when I get lost in the city
Vos ya sabés comprender
You already know how to understand
Es solo un rato, no más
It's just a while, nothing more
Tendría que llorar o salir a matar
I would have to cry or go out to kill
Te vi, te vi, te vi
I saw you, I saw you, I saw you
Yo no buscaba nadie y te vi
I wasn't looking for anyone, and I saw you
Te vi, te vi, te vi
I saw you, I saw you, I saw you
Yo no buscaba nadie y te vi
I wasn't looking for anyone, and I saw you