Todos Me Dicen
Me contó la mañana que estaba loco por ti,
The morning told me that I was crazy for you,
que mi vida ya no me importaba;
that my life no longer mattered to me;
Mediodía me tranquilizó y me dijo que ya te vería,
Noon calmed me down and told me that I would see you,
me sacó un poco de mi locura, me apegó un rato más a la vida.
it took me out of my madness, attached me a while longer to life.
todos me dicen.
everyone tells me.
La tarde no me dijo nada,
The evening said nothing to me,
ni siquiera me miró a la cara.
didn't even look me in the face.
La noche se marchó y susurrando me dijo:
The night left and whispered to me:
(todos me dicen pero yo sigo sin estar a tu lado)
(everyone tells me but I'm still not by your side)
tranquilo, mañana te cegará el sol.
calm down, tomorrow the sun will blind you.
Todos me dicen"*
Everyone tells me
Pergeño una historia de amor solo por descerrajar
I devise a love story just to unlock
yo solito el corazón ¡chaval! es angustia existencial.
all by myself the heart, kid! It's existential anguish.
no se si atracar un banco o irme a desintoxicar,
I don't know if I should rob a bank or go into detox,
¿para qué quiero el dinero? si todo me sienta mal.
what do I need money for if everything makes me feel bad.
Recuerdo un tiempo en que cazar:
I remember a time when hunting:
no era malo era necesidad.
it wasn't bad, it was a necessity.
¡Niño saca ya la recortá!
Hey kid, hand me the shotgun already!
que quedan muchos malos por matar.
there are many bad guys left to kill.
Tú te crees que yo me invento
You think I make up
de qué color es el viento,
what color the wind is,
me lo encuentro por la calle
I come across it in the street
y siempre paro a hablar con él.
and I always stop to talk to it.
Y hace tiempo que no miento
And it's been a while since I lied
y no pienso volverme atrás
and I don't plan on going back
si no puedo equivocarme: ponme riendas y un bozal.
if I can't make mistakes: put a bridle and a muzzle on me.
Rutina empieza a molestar,
Routine starts to annoy,
algún muro habrá que derribar.
some wall must be torn down.
Locura ya ha vuelto a por mí
Madness has come back for me,
yo la doy la mano y a morir, a morir.
I shake its hand and go to die, to die.