Corrido Del Oso
Escolta De GuerraLyrics
Es una prieta bereta
It's a dark-skinned beretta
La que trai marcada
The one with a marked trail
Goza con estilos
She enjoys with styles
Le sobran agallas
She has plenty of courage
Cargadores trai de sobra
She carries spare magazines
Para accionar pronto
To act quickly
Ráfagas detonan
Bursts detonate
Es un joven estudiado
He's a studied young man
Titulo ingeniero
Engineering degree
Al ser resguardado
When he's in protection
Se ha metido al ruedo
He has entered the arena
Hoy al señor licenciado,
Today, Mr. Lawyer
Reparte y protege
Distributes and protects
Y es largo el contrato
And the contract is long
Si se ocupa se empechera,
If it's needed, he'll intervene
Ya sea armado en uno
Armed at one hundred
Al 100 con el jefe
With the boss
Con el señoraso
With the big man
La humildad le da el respeto
Humility gives him respect
Le gusta el dinero
He likes money
Y carros del año
And year-end cars
Cuenta con mucho respaldo
He has a lot of support
Con bastante raza
With a lot of race
Con una llamada
With a phone call
Listo sobra y basta
Ready, it's more than enough
Para el apoyo del macho
For the support of the macho
El caimán, el bravo
The caiman, the brave one
Y el compa fantasma
And the ghost companion
Antes del último verso,
Before the last verse
Ya viene lo bueno
Here comes the good part
Ya viene lo grueso,
Here comes the thick part
Ya vienen a todo
Here they come in full force
Es un joven de cerebro
He's a brainy young man
Defiende el terreno
Defends the territory
Y le apodan el oso
And they call him the bear
Pa un amigo doy la mano
I shake hands with a friend
Y no es mi agrado
And it's not my pleasure
Gente que se enreda
People who get tangled
Gente traicionera
Treacherous people
Si invaden terreno ajeno
If they invade foreign territory
Se van a dar cuenta
They will realize
Que pisaron fuego
That they stepped on fire
Cada quien tiene su escuela
Everyone has their school
De que hay que aprender
That one has to learn
Compa w
Siempre recordare
I will always remember
Era un amigo sincero
He was a sincere friend
Se queda el recuerdo
The memory remains
Yo soy gente de el.
I am one of his people