Bomba Nuclear

Escolta De Guerra
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Al gobierno que se cuide, ami me va a respetar

To the government, be careful; they will respect me

Primero fue mario aguirre, hoy verdugo se nos va

First, it was Mario Aguirre; today, the executioner is leaving us

Voy a explotar si le siguen, como una bomba nuclear

I will explode if they continue, like a nuclear bomb

Tirense con la bolita, ya voy sobre el principal

Throw yourself with the little ball, I'm going after the main one

No les perdonaré el rango, ni su verde camuflash

I won't forgive their rank, nor their green camouflage

No me importa lo que digan, hoy se la van a pagar

I don't care what they say; today, they will pay for it

Ustedes nomas abusan, veremos si son de aguante

You just abuse; let's see if you can endure

Matan sin razón alguna, como todos los cobardes

They kill without any reason, like all the cowards

Ami ustedes no me asustan, aqui si van a estrellarse

You don't scare me; here, you will crash

Solo tengo una palabra, una mas que suficiente

I only have one word, one more than enough

Ahora tendran que pagarme, el traidor no tenga suerte

Now you'll have to pay me; may the traitor not have luck

La muerte anda por las calles, ahora peligran ustedes

Death walks the streets; now you are in danger

Que coraje que tristeza, siempre hay veneno en mi sangre

What anger, what sadness; there is always poison in my blood

La razón no me interesa, tan solo quiero aclararles

I don't care about the reason; I just want to make it clear

Todo el verde es poca pieza, aun lado de mi compadre

All the green is a small piece, next to my compadre

El honor es de respeto, la traición imperdonable

Honor is about respect; betrayal is unforgivable

El dolor que traigo dentro, ese nunca va a calmarse

The pain I carry inside; that will never calm down

Siempre ami lado estuvieron, si eran caballeros reales

They were always by my side; if they were real gentlemen

Sinaloa se quedo triste, no lo olvidaré la juro

Sinaloa became sad; I swear I won't forget

Primero fue mario aguirre, hoy crece mas este luto

First, it was Mario Aguirre; today, this mourning grows

Te extrañaremos compadre, al gran lamberto verdugo

We will miss you, compadre, to the great Lamberto Verdugo

Moderated by Isabel Ruiz
Quito, Ecuador July 30, 2024
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