Tres Semanas

Marco Antonio Solís
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Ya pasaron tres semanas y mi fe

Three weeks have passed, and my faith

Se escapó por la ventana

Escaped through the window

Ya contesto el teléfono tranquilo

Now the phone answers calmly

Y no con aquellas ansias

Not with those yearnings

De escuchar que me extrañaras, aunque fuera

To hear that you missed me, even if it were

Una más de tus mentiras

One more of your lies

Pero me quedé esperando y esperando

But I kept waiting and waiting

Te has salido de mi vida

You have left my life

Te busqué donde me han dicho que te vieron

I looked for you where they told me they saw you

Y me saludó tu ausencia

And your absence greeted me

Las miradas de la gente me vistieron

The looks of people dressed me

De total indiferencia

With total indifference

Estas ganas de abrazarte sin tenerte

These desires to embrace you without having you

Tienen mi cuerpo temblando

Have my body trembling

Pues eterno es este tiempo de no verte

For this time of not seeing you is eternal

Y seguirme preguntando

And I keep asking myself

No sé a dónde te me fuiste

I don't know where you went from me

Que de ti ya no sé nada

That I don't know anything about you

Al principio un poquito me buscabas

At first, you sought me a little

Y eso mal que bien a mí me consolaba

And that, good or bad, consoled me

Te me desapareciste

You disappeared on me

Como agua entre mis manos

Like water through my hands

Solo han sido tres semanas y yo siento

It's only been three weeks, and I feel

Que pasaron muchos años

That many years have passed

No sé a dónde te me fuiste

I don't know where you went from me

Que de ti ya no sé nada

That I don't know anything about you

Al principio un poquito me buscabas

At first, you sought me a little

Y eso mal que bien a mí me consolaba

And that, good or bad, consoled me

Te me desapareciste

You disappeared on me

Como agua entre mis manos

Like water through my hands

Solo han sido tres semanas y yo siento

It's only been three weeks, and I feel

Que pasaron muchos años

That many years have passed

Moderated by Alejandro López
Madrid, España July 30, 2024
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