A Mi Gente

El Sabalero
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A mi gente

To my people

Sentados al cordón de la vereda

Sitting on the edge of the sidewalk

Bajo la sombra de algún árbol bonachón

Under the shade of some kind-hearted tree

Vimos pasar coquetos carnavales

We saw flirtatious carnivals pass by

Careta viva de un pueblo con dolor

Living mask of a people in pain

Primero fue Pitico y sus muchachos

First, it was Pitico and his boys

Pochilo con su gran inspiración

Pochilo with his great inspiration

El pobrerío rodea los tablados

The poor surround the stages

Es Chirimino que toma la canción

It's Chirimino who takes the song

Tibio febrero de siestas musiqueras

Mild February of musical siestas

Simple remedo de la felicidad

Simple imitation of happiness

Los sensibleros, poetas orilleros

The sentimental, the poets from the outskirts

Le dan la flor al barrio que se va

They give the flower to the neighborhood that is leaving

Pueblo divino morrudo sabalero

Divine town, curly-headed Sabalero

Brindo contigo prestame el corazón

I toast with you, lend me your heart

Quiero el secreto del hombre de tu río

I want the secret of the man from your river

Del hombre chimenea, del canilla cantor

From the chimney man, from the singing tap

Dale a mis ojos la luz de tu bohemia

Give my eyes the light of your bohemia

Charlas del Charlo Roberto guitarrón

Talks of Charlo Roberto, the big guitar

Y el Firulete, el sapo de los verdes

And the Firulete, the toad of the greens

El fino del Verija, el Loro y su tambor

The refined one from Verija, the Parrot and his drum

Pueblo divino morrudo sabalero

Divine town, curly-headed Sabalero

Papel picado botija bajo el sol

Confetti, kid, under the sun

Sigue tu lucha de pan y de trabajo

Continue your struggle of bread and work

Que el tamboril se olvida y la miseria no

For the drum forgets, and misery does not

Moderated by Isabel Ruiz
Quito, Ecuador February 15, 2025
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