Cheto Atrevido
El JudasLyrics
Cheto atrevido ¿qué hacés acá?
Fancy daring, what are you doing here?
¡Qué bronca que me das!
You really annoy me!
Ahora querés parar con los pibes
Now you want to hang out with the guys
Y ni cabida te dan
And they don't give you any attention
Ahora querés parar con los pibes
Now you want to hang out with the guys
Y ni una seca te dan
And they don't even offer you a smoke
Cerrá la boca y no me chamuyes más
Shut your mouth and don't sweet-talk me anymore
Hacela corta y toca de acá
Keep it short and hands off
No me vengas con ese chamuyo
Don't come with that nonsense
De que vo' y la marcha ya no te cabe más
That you and the scene don't fit you anymore
No me vengas con ese chamuyo
Don't come with that nonsense
De que vo' y la marcha ya no te cabe más
That you and the scene don't fit you anymore
Vos ahora te hacés el chorro
Now you act tough
Porque te fumaste un porro
Because you smoked a joint
Porque tenés altas llantas
Because you have high rims
Y la visera para atrás
And your cap is backward
Pero los pibes ya sabemos
But we, the guys, already know
Que hay algo que no te sale
That there's something you can't pull off
Que cuando pintan las cumbias
That when the cumbias start playing
Vos no las sabes bailar
You don't know how to dance them