El BarrioLyrics
Rencor, ya no te guardo rencor
Resentment, I no longer hold resentment towards you
solamente me dedico a tenerte en el olvío.
I only dedicate myself to keeping you in oblivion
Amor, no se si hubo amor
Love, I don't know if there was love
si escondiste en tu sonrisa el mayor de los castigos
If you hid the greatest punishment in your smile
tal vez en soñar con el edén
Maybe in dreaming of Eden
y pensar que eras mujer de promesas incumplidas
And thinking you were a woman of unfulfilled promises
veré si mi forma de querer me ha traicionado tal vez
I'll see if my way of loving has betrayed me, perhaps
y me arrastra a la deriva.
And drags me adrift
Reír, me dan ganas de reír
Laugh, I feel like laughing
cuando veo que sin ti, mi sonrisa me saluda.
When I see that without you, my smile greets me
Vivir, muchas ganas de vivir
Live, a strong desire to live
y que se apiade de ti, el concepto de la duda.
And may the concept of doubt take pity on you
Llore, no niego que llore y mil veces,
Cry, I don't deny that I cried a thousand times
hasta pensé que me volvería loco.
I even thought I would go crazy
Soñé y en un sueño analicé
I dreamed, and in a dream, I analyzed
la virtud de tu querer y por mi dabas muy poco.
The virtue of your love, and you gave very little for me
Que con mi cuerpo no te has rozao
That with my body, you have not touched
a mi me da en el pensamiento que tu a mi me has olviao.
It occurs to me in my thoughts that you have forgotten me
Y en mi soledad
And in my loneliness
tengo miles de horas que me invitan a soñar
I have thousands of hours inviting me to dream
y si voy a quearme solo, solito y abandonao
And if I'm going to be alone, all alone and abandoned
pero más vale solo que muy mal acompañao.
But it's better to be alone than very badly accompanied
Parece mentira pero mentira no es
It seems unbelievable, but it's not a lie
que me halla confundido con las cosas del querer,
That I got confused with the things of love
parece mentira, parece mentira
It seems unbelievable, it seems unbelievable
que sea todo tan hermoso y que pronto se termina
That everything is so beautiful and it ends soon
tal vez el soñar...
Maybe dreaming...