Con Ella
Cristian CastroLyrics
Ella siempre ha estado junto a mi
She has always been with me
Antes de llegar ya estaba en mi
Before arriving, she was already in me
Con que fuerza habre pensado en ella
With what strength I must have thought of her
Que surco el espacio en una estrella
That she furrowed space like a star
Respondiendole a mi amor.
Responding to my love
Ella se ha metido tanto en mi
She has entered so much into me
Que planto bandera y se quedo
That she planted her flag and stayed
Dijo que el amor no da razon
She said that love does not give reason
Y sencillamente se instalo
And simply settled in
En lo mas hondo de mi corazon.
In the deepest part of my heart
Con ella solo con ella
With her, only with her
Cada noche yo me vuelvo a enamorar
Every night I fall in love again
Y la luna cuando supo que ella estaba
And the moon, when it knew she was there
Se colo por mi ventana
Slipped through my window
A pintar de azul y plata
To paint in blue and silver
Nuestro gran amor.
Our great love
Con ella solo con ella
With her, only with her
Cada noche yo me vuelvo a enamorar
Every night I fall in love again
Y el silencio que era grande como el cielo
And the silence, which was as vast as the sky
Se lleno con un te quiero
Was filled with an "I love you"
Desde aqui a la eternidad.
From here to eternity
Con ella, ah, solo con ella.
With her, ah, only with her
Ella es diferente a las demas
She is different from the others
Es como se ve sin mas ni mas
She is as she appears, no more, no less
Ella no hace esfuerzos por gustar
She doesn't make efforts to please
Y por eso siempre se la ve tan natural.
And that's why she always seems so natural
Ella es horizonte en altamar
She is the horizon on the high seas
Mezcla de ilusion y realidad
A mix of illusion and reality
Ella para mi es tan especial
She, for me, is so special
Fragil como un hilo de cristal
Fragile like a thread of crystal
Pero a la vez tan fuerte para amar.
But at the same time so strong to love
Con ella solo con ella
With her, only with her
Cada noche yo me vuelvo a enamorar
Every night I fall in love again
Y la luna cuando supo que ella estaba
And the moon, when it knew she was there
Se colo por mi ventana
Slipped through my window
A pintar de azul y plata
To paint in blue and silver
Nuestro gran amor.
Our great love
Con ella solo con ella
With her, only with her
Cada noche yo me vuelvo a enamorar
Every night I fall in love again
Y el silencio que era grande como el cielo
And the silence, which was as vast as the sky
Se lleno con un te quiero
Was filled with an "I love you"
Desde aqui a la eternidad, eternidad.
From here to eternity, eternity
Con ella solo con ella
With her, only with her
Cada noche yo me vuelvo a enamorar
Every night I fall in love again
Y el silencio que era grande como el cielo
And the silence, which was as vast as the sky
Se lleno con un te quiero
Was filled with an "I love you"
Desde aqui a la eternidad.
From here to eternity
Con ella, ah, solo con ella.
With her, ah, only with her