F & A

D Alba
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Watch out

Que si te pillo sola

If I catch you alone

Que si te guayo sola

If I catch you by yourself

Se va a formar el problemón

A big problem is going to arise


Watch out

Que si te pillo sola

If I catch you alone

Que si te guayo sola

If I catch you by yourself

Se va a formar el problemón

A big problem is going to arise

No me importa si me meto en problemas

I don't care if I get into trouble

No me importa si me pegan una bala

I don't care if they shoot me

No me importa si yo vivo en el dilema

I don't care if I live in a dilemma

No me importa lo que importa es que te vea

I don't care, what matters is seeing you

Como un rayito de Sol

Like a little ray of sun

Que me alumbra que me llena su esplendor

That illuminates me, fills me with its splendor

Que me llena de vida que me llena de calor

That fills me with life, fills me with warmth

Ella toca el piano

She plays the piano

El invierno se convierte en verano

Winter turns into summer

En la cita un vinito

In the date, a little wine

Probablemente termine diciendo que te amo

Probably ending by saying I love you

Yo soy un bellaco a mí me gusta el exceso

I'm a scoundrel, I like excess

Y tú niña de casa no te gusta nada de eso

And you, sheltered girl, don't like any of that

Dejo de fumar un cigarro por cada beso

I quit smoking a cigarette for each kiss


Watch out

Que si te pillo sola

If I catch you alone

Que si te guayo sola

If I catch you by yourself

Se va a formar el problemón

A big problem is going to arise


Watch out

Que si te pillo sola, que si te guayo sola

If I catch you alone, if I catch you by yourself

Se va a formar el problemón

A big problem is going to arise

Te mande mensaje bien drogado

I sent you a message, completely drugged

No sabía ni que escribía

I didn't even know what I was writing

Solamente signos de interrogación números y letras veía

Only saw question marks, numbers, and letters

Pero gracias a Dios, una bonita historia se formo

But thanks to God, a beautiful story was formed

Nada dura para siempre

Nothing lasts forever

Pero siempre te

But I'll always

Voy a te-ner en mi men-te siem-pre te voy a que-rer

Have you in my mind, I'll always love you

Te pienso toda la noche y todo el día

I think about you all night and all day

Yo tan caliente y tu tan fría

I'm so hot and you're so cold

Quiero que de rosa y grises pintes mi día

I want you to paint my day with pinks and grays


Watch out

Que si te pillo sola

If I catch you alone

Que si te guayo sola

If I catch you by yourself

Se va a formar el problemón

A big problem is going to arise


Watch out

Que si te pillo sola

If I catch you alone

Que si te guayo sola

If I catch you by yourself

Se va a formar el problemón

A big problem is going to arise

Moderated by Ricardo Romero
Montevideo, Uruguay September 19, 2024
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