Mujer Paseada

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Así te quiero mujer

That's how I love you, woman

No le hace que seas paseada

It doesn't matter that you're well-traveled

Así te quiero mujer

That's how I love you, woman

No le hace que seas paseada

It doesn't matter that you're well-traveled

Te quiero porque te quiero

I love you because I love you

Porque me nace del alma

Because it comes from my soul

Tu no sabias querer

You didn't know how to love

Porque eras mujer paseada

Because you were a woman who traveled a lot

Y te burlabas de mí

And you mocked me

Cuando de amores te hablaba

When I spoke to you about love

Pero llegaste a saber

But you came to know

Que con mi amor no jugabas

That you didn't play with my love

Y con el tiempo supistes

And with time you knew

Lo mucho que tú me amabas

How much you loved me

Tu no sabias querer

You didn't know how to love

Porque eras mujer paseada

Because you were a woman who traveled a lot

Y te burlabas de mí

And you mocked me

Cuando de amores te hablaba

When I spoke to you about love

Tú despreciabas mi amor

You scorned my love

Cuando en tus brazos lloraba

When I cried in your arms

Pero llegaste a quererme

But you came to love me

Así como yo deseaba

Just as I desired

Moderated by Carlos García
Lima, Perú March 13, 2025
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