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Nunca estas solo, siempre habrá un amigo

You are never alone, there will always be a friend

Estando a mi lado, no seras vencido

Being by my side, you won't be defeated

Y juntos haciendo un nuevo mundo

And together, creating a new world

Alcemos las manos y miremos el sol

Let's raise our hands and look at the sun

Si le das la espalda, te darán la espalda

If you turn your back, they'll turn their backs on you

Y en la vida amigo, codo a codo vas

And in life, friend, side by side you go

Si escondes tu cara no podrán mirarla

If you hide your face, they won't be able to see it

Y en la vida amigo hay que saber mirar

And in life, friend, one must know how to look

Si negas tu mano, pedirás en vano

If you deny your hand, you'll ask in vain

Y al cerrar el alma se escapa el amor

And when you close your soul, love escapes

Y es muy triste amigo que camines solo

It's very sad, friend, that you walk alone

Si tenes hermanos caminas mejor

If you have siblings, you walk better

Soñar con todos, soñar, soñar con todos, soñar

Dreaming with everyone, dreaming, dreaming with everyone, dreaming

Sentir a fondo, buscarte en vos

Feeling deeply, searching within yourself

Formar bandanas, ponernos alas

Forming groups, putting on wings

Juntos podemos volar mejor (volar)

Together we can fly better (fly)

Juntos podemos volar, volar, mejor

Together we can fly, fly, better

Moderated by Ricardo Romero
Montevideo, Uruguay July 31, 2024
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