El Preso N0 9

Chavela Vargas
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Al preso número nueve

To prisoner number nine

Ya lo van a confesar

They are about to confess

Está rezando en la celda

He is praying in the cell

Con el cura del penal

With the prison chaplain

Porque antes de amanecer

Because before dawn

La vida le han de quitar

They will take his life

Porque mató a su mujer

Because he killed his wife

Y a un amigo desleal

And a disloyal friend

Dice así, al confesor

He says to the confessor

Los maté, sí señor

I killed them, yes, sir

Y si vuelvo a nacer

And if I were to be born again

Yo los vuelvo a matar

I would kill them again

Padre no me arrepiento

Father, I do not repent

Ni me da miedo la eternidad

Nor am I afraid of eternity

Yo sé que allá en el cielo

I know that up in heaven

El juez supremo me juzgará

The Supreme Judge will judge me

Voy a seguir sus pasos

I will follow in their footsteps

Voy a buscarlos al más allá

I will seek them beyond

El preso número nueve

Prisoner number nine

Era un hombre muy cabal

Was a very upright man

Iba la noche del duelo

He went on the night of mourning

Muy contento a su jacal

Very content to his shack

Pero al mirar a su amor

But upon seeing his love

En brazos de su rival

In the arms of his rival

Ardió en su pecho el rencor

Resentment burned in his chest

Y no se pudo aguantar

And he could not endure it

Dice así, al confesor

He says to the confessor

Los maté, sí señor

I killed them, yes, sir

Y si vuelvo a nacer

And if I were to be born again

Yo los vuelvo a matar

I would kill them again

Padre no me arrepiento

Father, I do not repent

Ni me da miedo la eternidad

Nor am I afraid of eternity

Yo sé que allá en el cielo

I know that up in heaven

El juez supremo me juzgará

The Supreme Judge will judge me

Voy a seguir sus pasos

I will follow in their footsteps

Voy a buscarlos al más allá

I will seek them beyond

Ah-ah, ah-ah

Ah-ah, ah-ah

Moderated by Daniel Ramos
La Paz, Bolivia September 10, 2024
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