Amigo de Que?

Charlie Zaa
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No siga diciendo que un amigo tuyo

Don't keep saying that a friend of yours

Y tu propria esposa mandiaron en tu hogar

And your own wife commanded in your home

Confiesa covarde, esa era una beldad que tardió temprano avria que comprar

Confess coward, that was a beauty that sooner or later you would have to buy

Exagera mi novia que tanto queria una tarde en cano te la apresenté

Exaggerates my girlfriend, who wanted so much, one afternoon I presented her to you

Sentiste en video ao verla tan linda como siendo pobre yo la conquisté

You felt on video seeing her so pretty, how, being poor, I conquered her

Desde aquele instante, espaldas covarde

From that moment on, cowardly backs

Como tenias plata, le ofreciste más

Since you had money, you offered her more

Hasta convencerla: "porque tu era rico y mi novio un dia por ti me dejó."

Until convincing her: "because you were rich and one day my boyfriend left me for you."

Al cabo de un tiempo le insiste tu esposa con mi propria novia fuiste me raviar

After a while, your wife insists with my own girlfriend, you went to gloat

Y yo seguí covarde, sin plata, nin novia

And I continued cowardly, without money, nor girlfriend

Mientras tu de abrazo, fuiste a esta la ca

While you, hugging, went to this one

No olvides que un dia fui que me imitaste

Don't forget that one day I was the one who imitated you

Al que yo la viera en tu proprio hogar

When I saw her in your own home

Para se humilharme entonces declaro

To humiliate me, then I declare

La mera venganza que havria de la cobrar

The mere revenge that I would have to collect

Al ver a tu esposa la que fué mi novia

Seeing your wife, who was my girlfriend

Yo li en sus ojos que no eras feliz

I read in her eyes that you were not happy

No bastava el oro y la riqueza tuya, de que me deseava

The gold and your wealth were not enough, that I desired

Sen lo comprender

Without understanding

Volvi por la noche cuando tuyo no estavas

I returned at night when you were not there

Y efectivamente mi plan falló

And effectively my plan failed

Tomé mi venganza y me surprendi si a ver que de nada tu oro se rompió

I took my revenge and was surprised to see that your gold was worth nothing

Y ahora ya puedes seguir pregonando que yo fui lo amigo que te presionó

And now you can keep proclaiming that I was the friend who pressured you

Busca las que quieres, que ya esta a cobrarla de un dentre amigos salgado que doi

Look for what you want, as I am already collecting it from a salty friend that I give

Tu no eres mi amigo, amigo de que?

You are not my friend, friend of what?

Moderated by Carlos García
Lima, Perú June 25, 2024
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