Chisme de Zorro

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Y no sabrás de mi hasta que algún zorro no largue la lengua

And you won't know about me until some fox spills the beans

No tendrás noticias

You won't have news

Mis caricias diferidas no te afectarán

My deferred caresses won't affect you

Pon un precio a tus anhelos

Put a price on your desires

Y buscame hacia el final de la noche por un rio de escotes

And find me towards the end of the night by a river of necklines

Con la lágrima cruda comprendiendo lo que nos faltó decir

With raw tears, understanding what we failed to say

Cuando todo termine

When everything ends

Y me digan que me tengo que ir

And they tell me that I have to go

Dejaré una valija ahí

I'll leave a suitcase there

Con el hombre usado adentro que hasta ayer fui

With the used man inside that I was until yesterday

Y no sabré de ti hasta que los lobos no pequen tu rastro

And I won't know about you until the wolves don't sin your trail

Entre las pesquisas

Among the investigations

Las milicias ateridas no te encontrarán

The numb militias won't find you

Quiebra la bolsa de dudas

Break the bag of doubts

Y tu rastro reclamando la sombre entre el furor de congas

And your trail claiming the shadow amid the fury of congas

Dentro de las lucen ululan

Within the lights, they howl

Anunciando que hemos llegado al fin.

Announcing that we have reached the end.

Moderated by Jorge Soto
Lima, Perú September 13, 2024
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