Yegua Colorada

Antonio Aguilar
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En una manada vide un potro que me gusto

In a herd, I saw a colt that I liked

me fui con el asendado señor tengo una tratada

I went to the wealthy rancher, sir, I have a proposal

quiero que me de un caballo por mi yegua colorada

I want you to give me a horse for my sorrel mare

que caballo es el que quieres asi pa poder tratar

Which horse do you want so we can negotiate?

un potro lobogateado que ayer viede en el corral

A buckskin colt that I saw yesterday in the corral

que a charros y a caporales no lo han podido amansar

Charros and wranglers haven't been able to tame him

lo vide entre diez caballos el cual era el mas bonito

I saw him among ten horses, he was the most beautiful

si por duro lo dejaron lo duro yo se lo quito

If they left him tough, I'll make him gentle

si lo compro lo veran dirijiendose solito

If I buy him, you'll see him going on his own

te doy mil quinientos pesos y el potro te lo regalo

I'll give you fifteen hundred pesos, and the colt is a gift

no lo quiero por rejego pensaba meterlo al carro

I don't want him for stubborn, I thought of putting him in the cart

que a charros y a caporales a todos los a tumbado

He has knocked down all charros and wranglers

luego que ya se hizo de el, el charro le echo la hablada

After he got him, the cowboy talked to him

ora juega mi caballo con su yegua colorada

Now my horse plays with his sorrel mare

nomas me da un rivetito pues ta dura la jugada

Just give me a little advantage, the game is tough

le contesto el asendado no digas que tengo miedo

The rancher replied, don't say I'm afraid

vamonos a la oficina pa depositar dinero

Let's go to the office to deposit money

la carrera la dejamos por el dia dos de febrero

We leave the race for February second

se llego el dicho dia de la carrera afamada

The said day arrived for the famous race

volavan pesos tronchados a la yegua colorada

Bets were flying for the sorrel mare

y al potro lobogateado ni quien le apostara nada

And no one would bet on the buckskin colt

se arrancaron los caballos y el caballo no se vio

The horses started, and the horse was not seen

se cubrio de polvareda que caballo tan violento

He covered himself in dust, what a violent horse

nomas alas le fataron pa volar por ese viento

He only lacked wings to fly with that wind

ya con esta me despido dispensen lo mal trovado

With this, I say goodbye, forgive the poorly composed verses

aqui da fin el corrido de un charro y un asendado

Here ends the story of a cowboy and a wealthy rancher

de la yegua colorada y el potro lobogateado.

Of the sorrel mare and the buckskin colt

Moderated by Elena Rodríguez
Buenos Aires, Argentina May 11, 2024
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