El Carpintero Del Amor
Andrés CepedaLyrics
Yo tuve un amor que en mi corazón
I had a love that in my heart
Trazó marcas negras
Traced black marks
Y de la viruta que allí quedó
And from the shavings that remained there
Nacieron mis penas (bis)
My sorrows were born (repeat)
Cepillo para pulir
Brush to polish
Angustias de mi alma
Anguish of my soul
Serrucho para cortar
Saw to cut
Amor que duele y que daña (bis)
Love that hurts and harms (repeat)
Carpintero de tu piel
Carpenter of your skin
Ebanista de tu aliento
Cabinetmaker of your breath
Mi martillo y mi cincel
My hammer and my chisel
Van labrando mi lamento
They are shaping my lament
La rumba es en mi taller
The party is in my workshop
Mis amigos mi herramienta
My friends, my tools
Dónde estará mi mujer
Where will my woman be
Mi madera y la experiencia
My wood and the experience