
Zea Mays
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Belar artean, bakardadean biluzik dantzan

In the middle of the field, dancing alone

Oinak bustirik, lurraren erdian belarrarekin jolasean

Barefoot, playing with the grass in the midst of the earth

Pentsamenduak joan egin zaizkit egunarekin batera

My thoughts have gone away with the day

Iluntasunak, hartu egin nau, negar malkoak

The darkness has embraced me, mourning whispers

Gau ilun honen azken arnasketaren azkenengo

In the last sigh of this dark night

Segunduetan nik ere oihukatu egingo dut

In seconds, I too will shout

Munduak ahazten banau, lur honek askatzen banau

If I forget the world, if this land sets me free

Zerbait utzi beharko dut behintzat euri tanten artean

I must leave something behind, at least between raindrops

Ilargiak erakusten duen aurpegiaren aurrean

In front of the face shown by the moon

Eskatzen diet oihukatuz izar galduei

I request by shouting to the lost stars

Nire negar malkoek ernal dezatela lurra

Let my mourning whispers reach the Earth

Nire arimarekin, energia banaiz

With my soul, if I am energy

Gau ilun honen azken arnasketaren azkenengo

In the last sigh of this dark night

Segunduetan nik ere oihukatu egingo dut

In seconds, I too will shout

Munduak ahazten banau, lur honek askatzen banau

If I forget the world, if this land sets me free

Zerbait utzi beharko dut behintzat euri tanten artean

I must leave something behind, at least between raindrops

Badaezpada banoa, hegaka ez bada ez noa

If there is a way, if there is no way, I will not go

Nire gorputzak eskatzen dizkidan ate apurtuetara

To the doors that my body demands

Badaezpada banoa, hegaka ez bada ez noa

If there is a way, if there is no way, I will not go

Zeruak eskaintzen didan amildegira

To the eminence that the sky offers me

Badaezpada banoa, hegaka ez bada ez noa

If there is a way, if there is no way, I will not go

Ispiluan ikusten dudan elektrizitate lur-jausira

To the electricity I see in the mirror, a land-shaking

Energiak lur-jausira narama, nie neu ere energia banaiz

I will ride the energies to the earthquake, I too am energy

Lurrean betirako idatzirik geldituko naiz

I will remain written on the Earth forever



Badaezpada banoa, hegaka ez bada ez noa

If there is a way, if there is no way, I will not go

Ispiluan ikusten dudan elektrizitate lur-jausira

To the electricity I see in the mirror, a land-shaking

Energiak lur-jausira narama, nie neu ere energia banaiz

I will ride the energies to the earthquake, I too am energy

Lurrean betirako idatzirik geldituko naiz

I will remain written on the Earth forever

Badaezpada banoa, hegaka ez bada ez noa

If there is a way, if there is no way, I will not go

Ispiluan ikusten dudan elektrizitate lur-jausira

To the electricity I see in the mirror, a land-shaking

Elektrizitatea banaiz, elektrizitatean banaiz

If I am electricity, if I am in electricity

Lurrean idatzirik geldituko naiz

I will remain written on the Earth

Gau ilun honen azken arnasketaren azkenengo

In the last sigh of this dark night

Segunduetan nik ere oihukatu egingo dut

In seconds, I too will shout

Munduak ahazten banau, lur honek askatzen banau

If I forget the world, if this land sets me free

Zerbait utzi beharko dut behintzat euri tanten artean

I must leave something behind, at least between raindrops

Ilargiak erakusten duen aurpegiaren aurrean

In front of the face shown by the moon

Eskatzen diet oihukatuz izar galduei

I request by shouting to the lost stars

Nire negar malkoek ernal dezatela lurra

Let my mourning whispers reach the Earth

Nire arimarekin, elektrizitatea banaiz

With my soul, if I am electricity

Moderated by Marina Morales
Managua, Nicaragua February 16, 2025
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