Conocí a Tu Esposo
Vicente FernándezLyrics
Conocí a tu esposo
I met your husband
Mientras caminaba por el parquecito
While walking in the little park
Que aquellas tardes recorrimos tanto
That we used to stroll through those afternoons
Me miró de frente, agachó la cara
He looked at me directly, lowered his face
Mientras tu mirada se clavó en mis ojos
While your gaze pierced into my eyes
Asomando el llanto
With tears welling up
Aquel hombre bueno llevaba cargando
That good man was carrying
Un hermoso niño que se habia dormido
A beautiful child who had fallen asleep
Porque ya era tarde
Because it was already late
Y tan sincera para no engañarlo
And so sincere, not to deceive him
Esoty bien seguro que le confesaste
I'm quite sure that you confessed to him
Que yo soy su padre
That I am his father
El tal vez pensó que le guardo rencor
Perhaps he thought that I hold a grudge
Porque para siempre me robó tu amor
Because he forever stole your love from me
Pero no se imagina que yo lo respeto
But he can't imagine that I respect him
Como a un gran señor
As a great gentleman
Porque supo darte las cosas
Because he knew how to give you the things
Que nunca pude darte yo
That I could never give you
A ese pequeñito le puedes decir
You can tell that little one
Que yo fui un canalla que te hizo sufrir
That I was a scoundrel who made you suffer
Y que aquella tarde como un vil cobarde
And that afternoon, like a vile coward
Te dejé partir
I let you go
Y nomás por eso, de pura tristeza
And just for that, out of pure sadness
Me voy a morir
I'm going to die