
Verano Del 98
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Estás aquí sintiéndome.

You are here feeling me.

Estoy aquí sintiéndote.

I am here feeling you.

Mi cuerpo se hizo cofre para ti

My body became a chest for you

formando un nido entre mi piel.

forming a nest between my skin.

Y te esperé cantando al mes:

And I waited for you singing to the month:

"Será en Abril o antes tal vez"

"It will be in April or maybe sooner"

Tendrás los ojos que una vez

You will have the eyes that once

supe tener buscándote.

I knew having, searching for you.

De tanto amarte te encontré

From so much loving you, I found you

y ahora te quiero retener.

and now I want to hold you.

Son nueve meses de esperar.

It's nine months of waiting.

Son nueve meses para amar.

It's nine months to love.

Brisa, un nombre con alas.

Breeze, a name with wings.

Brisa, fuiste madrugada.

Breeze, you were the dawn.

Brisa, calorcito tibio.

Breeze, warm little heat.

Brisa, pedacito de alma.

Breeze, little piece of soul.

Ya tengo impaciencia por tus pies.

I'm already impatient for your feet.

Pregunto qué flores pisarán.

I ask which flowers they will step on.

Los pájaros que hechamos a volar

The birds we let fly

cantarán un nuevo amanecer.

will sing a new dawn.

Y toda la nostalgia quedará

And all the nostalgia will remain

envuelta en tu mirada angelical.

wrapped in your angelic gaze.

Brisa, un nombre con alas.

Breeze, a name with wings.

Brisa, fuiste madrugada.

Breeze, you were the dawn.

Brisa, calorcito tibio.

Breeze, warm little heat.

Brisa, pedacito de alma, de alma.

Breeze, little piece of soul, of soul.

Moderated by Ana Martínez
Santiago, Chile July 23, 2024
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