El Quirofano
Sergio VegaLyrics
En aquella esquina donde estaba siempre
In that corner where she always was
En la obscura noche
In the dark night
Con la pena ardiente
With burning sorrow
Los hombres cruzaban todos en escala
Men passed by in a hurry
Y hasta presumían que eran buenos clientes.
And even boasted that they were good clients
Ella sonreía con triste mirada
She smiled with a sad gaze
Y se retiraba en las madrugadas
And withdrew in the early morning
Cuando ya tenia con que alimentarme
When she already had what to feed me
Al amanecer
At sunrise
Y los vecinos reían a carcajadas
And the neighbors laughed heartily
Al ver su piel pintada un poco demacrada
Seeing her skin painted a little worn
Pero enclavada y aunque a capa y espada
But determined and even with all her might
Asiendo a lado todo me daba mucho amor
Holding everything by my side, she gave me much love
Pasaban los días pasaban los años
Days passed, years passed
Y yo ya sabia que era un pecado
And I already knew it was a sin
Y yo usaba fino calzado y camisa
I wore fine shoes and a shirt
Y mis pantalones bien arrejuntados
And my trousers well put together
Pero no podía seguir por más tiempo
But I couldn't go on any longer
Porque aquellas noches me daban tormento
Because those nights tormented me
Y me daba pena que yo la encontrara
And I felt embarrassed to find her
Vendiendo su amor
Selling her love
Y era mi madre por eso fui y soy medico
And she was my mother, that's why I became a doctor
Pero grande es mi pena estaba muy enferma
But great is my sorrow, she was very sick
Yen el quirófano donde siempre opero
And in the operating room where I always operate
Se me quedo dormida pidiéndome un beso
She fell asleep asking me for a kiss