Saurom LamderthLyrics
Mira al sol y acaríciame
Look at the sun and caress me
Resplandor que eclipsa al temor…
Radiance that eclipses fear...
Nuestro amor no es cosa de dos
Our love is not a matter of two
Mi jardín florece sin ti
My garden flourishes without you
Sabes que, esperándote
You know that, waiting for you
Puedo estar, una vida y más.
I can be, a lifetime and more.
Mi creador porta una obsesión.
My creator carries an obsession.
No elegí yo su religión…
I did not choose his religion...
Quiero mirarte, quiero besarte
I want to look at you, I want to kiss you
Quiero buscarte por todas partes
I want to search for you everywhere
Quiero cuidarte, quiero ayudarte
I want to take care of you, I want to help you
Quiero arroparte entre mis brazos
I want to envelop you in my arms
No salga el sol, matices negros
Let the sun not rise, black nuances
Tu piel no está, si tu recuerdo
Your skin is not here, only your memory
Cristales, tintados, con sangre de celos
Glasses, tinted, with blood of jealousy
Martirio, con velo, nostalgia, sin miedo
Martyrdom, with a veil, nostalgia, without fear
Los cuervos graznan, mi luz se apoca
The crows caw, my light dims
Mis lágrimas conservan tu rabia
My tears preserve your anger
Muerte que nace, un río que brota
Death is born, a river that springs
La fuente aguarda tu vil derrota
The fountain awaits your vile defeat
No salga el sol, matices negros
Let the sun not rise, black nuances
Tu piel no está, si tu recuerdo
Your skin is not here, only your memory
Cristales, tintados, con sangre de celos
Glasses, tinted, with blood of jealousy
Martirio, con velo, nostalgia, sin miedo
Martyrdom, with a veil, nostalgia, without fear