Sólo fue un Sueño
Sangre AzulLyrics
La encontre sola en la noche
I found her alone in the night
no se bien cuando ni donde
I don't know well when or where
y atrapado en sus ojos me perdi
And trapped in her eyes, I got lost
presenti que me esperaba
I sensed that she was waiting for me
me acerque y sin decir nada
I approached, and without saying anything
comprendio que su noche era para mi
She understood that her night was for me
como en un juego de azar
Like in a game of chance
me atrapastes y no puedo escapar
You caught me, and I can't escape
Estoy preso de ti haz de mi tu voluntad
I am prisoner of you, make me your will
deseara que fuera verdad todo tu sueño
I would wish that all your dream were true
quisiera volver a empezar y solo tu sueño
I would like to start again, and only your dream
Desperte solo en mi cama
I woke up alone in my bed
te busque pero no estabas
I looked for you, but you weren't there
porque todo tu sueño no puedes dar
Because all your dream, you can't give
soñare una vez solo tu matas mi soledad
I will dream once, only your dream kills my loneliness
volveras junto a mi una noche mas se que lo haras
You will come back to me one more night, I know you will
deseara que fuera verdad todo tu sueño
I would wish that all your dream were true
quisiera volver a empezar solo tu sueño
I would like to start again, only your dream
dejame que espere otra noche
Let me wait another night
esta noche junto a ti
This night, close to you
Deseaba que fuera verdad todo su sueño
I wished that all his dream were true
quisiera volver a empezar solo tu sueño
I would like to start again, only your dream
deseaba que fuera verdad solo tu sueño
I wished that all his dream were true, only your dream
qusiera volver a soñar sin despertar¡¡¡¡
I would like to dream again without waking up!!!