Villa Gesell

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Siempre vamos a gesell

We always go to Gesell

Aunqe no somos 13

Even though we are not 13

Ya en el peaje empiezo a encarar

Already at the toll booth, I start to face it

Salgo hasta la matina

I go out until the morning

Me gusta la vecina

I like the neighbor

Y al mediodia vuelvo a empezar

And at noon, I start again

La guitarra es asi

The guitar is like that

Gana con un DO-RE-MI

Wins with a C-D-E

Con este truco ayer la rompi

With this trick, yesterday I rocked it

El tren de la alegria,

The joy train

Se qe es mucho mas alegre aqui

I know it's much happier here

Yo soi asi, elijo villa gesell soi feliz.

I am like this, I choose Villa Gesell, I am happy

Panqeqes haaay,

Pancakes, there are

Fogon, picado y chicas junto al mar

Bonfire, snacks, and girls by the sea

Si pulseras hay aqui

If there are bracelets here

No es para los vips

It's not for the VIPs

Moderated by Javier Sánchez
Bogotá, Colombia February 9, 2025
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