La Pelea Con El Diabo
Octavio MesaLyrics
Como yo he sido andariego
As I have been a wanderer
Y a mi ninguno me aterra
And none terrifies me
Cuando saco mi machete
When I pull out my machete
Se pone a temblar la tierra
The earth starts to tremble
Ayer pelee con el diablo
Yesterday, I fought with the devil
Que dicen disque es muy bravo
They say he's very fierce
Le pegué una machetera que yo me quedé asombrado
I gave him a machete blow that left me amazed
Me tiré el carriel pa' atrás
I threw the carriel back
Y el poncho me lo cantee
And sang my poncho
Y del primer machetazo
And with the first machete stroke
La cola se la boté
I cut off his tail
Continuamos la pelea
We continued the fight
Y antes que la gente viera
And before people could see
Con la punta del machete
With the machete's tip
Le pinté una calavera
I painted a skull
El que no quiera creer
Whoever doesn't want to believe
Ni me quiera parar bolas
Or pay attention to me
Que se acerque para acá
Let them come over here
Que yo le muestro la cola
And I'll show them the tail
Cuando el diablo se vio herido
When the devil saw himself wounded
Se puso en forma de araña
He turned into a spider shape
Se me vino como un tiro
He came at me like a shot
Y casi, casi me agarra
And almost, almost got me
Entonces pasé el machete
So, I passed the machete
A la otra mano izquierda
To the other left hand
Y de un fuerte machetazo
And with a strong machete blow
Le boté la primer pierna
I cut off the first leg
Y como cinco revuelos
And like five somersaults
Y le grite ave maría
And I shouted 'Hail Mary'
Y antes que se diera cuenta
And before he realized
Lo volví una porquería
I turned him into garbage
3.500 cortadas le contaron al final
3,500 cuts were counted in the end
Y un letrero que decía 'todavía no he terminado'
And a sign that said 'I'm not done yet'