El Patron Del Mal

Naldo Tovar
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Prefiero una tumba en Colombia que es mi tierra

I prefer a grave in Colombia, which is my land

Así dijo pablo emilio yo no regreso a una celda

This is what Pablo Emilio said: I won't return to a cell

Esas fueron sus palabras antes de morir en la guerra

Those were his words before dying in the war

Plato plomo fue mi ley tube respeto y poder

Lead or silver, that was my law; I had respect and power

No se movia ni un solo kilo si no era de pablo emilio

No kilo moved unless it was Pablo Emilio's

Desafiaste del mismo diablo para proteger a los míos

You challenged the devil himself to protect mine

Como el patron del mal yo fui rey entre los reyes

Like the boss of evil, I was king among kings

Ya coronamos la vuelta por radio y por lomo popeye

We've already crowned the return, by radio and by Popeye's back

Pesadilla de muchas leyes

Nightmare for many laws

Y seguimos avanzando compadrito, es Naldo Tovar

And we keep advancing, compadre, it's Naldo Tovar

El cartel de Medellin su poder no tenía fin

The Medellin Cartel, its power had no end

Con el 80% de la produccion

With 80% of the production



Dinero por toneladas no lo necesite contar

Tons of money, I didn't need to count

Lo seguro en esta vida siempre ha sido y será la muerte

What's certain in this life has always been and will be death

Diciembre 49 y se presencia en este ambiente

December '49 and it's present in this atmosphere

Cuatro decadas después les dije adiós para siempre

Four decades later, I said goodbye forever

Como el Patron del mal fui heroe también bandido

Like the boss of evil, I was a hero and also a bandit

Robin hood catalogado por darle al que no tenía

Robin Hood classified for giving to those who didn't have

Y chingarme uno que otro rico

And screwing over the occasional rich one

Moderated by María Pérez
Mexico City, Mexico April 27, 2024
5 Based on 1 rating