Morir 3 Veces
Que ya no quieres ni una noche más
That you no longer want even one more night
Que esta novela ya llego al final
That this story has already reached its end
Ahora que no hay nada que esconder
Now that there's nothing to hide
Se te ha ocurrido no quererme ver
You've come up with not wanting to see me
Que ni al caso otra oportunidad
That another chance is not even relevant
Que a ti volver no se te da
That coming back to you is not in your cards
Ahora que te haz clavado en mí
Now that you've gotten stuck on me
Ahora que solo quiero ir por ti
Now that I only want to go for you
Me dices que ya no
You tell me that no longer
Que se me pasara
That it will pass for me
Que lo que te hice yo
That what I did to you
Fue más que lastimar
Was more than hurting
Y te dejo con, las tardes que te robe
And I leave you with the afternoons that I stole from you
Con tu cuerpo atrapándome
With your body trapping me
Para dejarme ir
To let me go
Te dejo con, ese cansancio que viene de
I leave you with that weariness that comes from
Morir tres veces amándote
Dying three times loving you
Para revivir
To revive
Que ni al caso otra oportunidad
That another chance is not even relevant
Que a ti volver no se te da
That coming back to you is not in your cards
Ahora que te haz clavado en mí
Now that you've gotten stuck on me
Ahora que solo quiero ir por ti
Now that I only want to go for you
Me dices que ya no
You tell me that no longer
Que se me pasara
That it will pass for me
Que lo que te hice yo
That what I did to you
Fue más que lastimar
Was more than hurting
Y te dejo con, las tardes que te robe
And I leave you with the afternoons that I stole from you
Con tu cuerpo atrapándome
With your body trapping me
Para dejarme ir
To let me go
Te dejo con, ese cansancio que viene de
I leave you with that weariness that comes from
Morir tres veces amándote
Dying three times loving you
Para revivir
To revive
Te dejo con el tiempo que nos falto
I leave you with the time that we lacked
Y todo eso que no paso
And all that didn't happen
Eso me quedo yo
That's what I have left
El tiempo que no falto
The time that didn't lack
Eso me quedo yo
That's what I have left