Volver (Volta)

Ministério Jovem 2007
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Desde cuando era un niño

Since I was a child

Oí hablar de un dios,Que abrió El mar rojo

I heard about a God, who opened the Red Sea

Luchaba con poder contra fieras y gigantes

Fighting with power against beasts and giants

Reyes por doquier, y yo me deleitaba

Kings everywhere, and I delighted

Cantando com placer,pero El tiempo fue pasando

Singing with pleasure, but time passed

Y ya no quise oír,preferí seguir mi rumbo

And I no longer wanted to hear, I preferred to follow my path

Traté de Dios huir,pero al final de mi camino

I tried to escape from God, but at the end of my journey

No conseguia avanzar,yo sentí que su presencia

I couldn't advance, I felt His presence

Me invitaba a regrasar.

Inviting me to return



Señor,me quiero entregar

Lord, I want to surrender

Em tus caminos quiero andar

I want to walk in your paths

Tu mano quiero hoy sentir

I want to feel your hand today

Y tu perdón recibir

And receive your forgiveness

Y quiero ser La voz que oía em mi infancia

And I want to be the voice I heard in my childhood

Y cantaré que no hay distancia

And I will sing that there is no distance

Que te pueda alejar.

That can separate you

Si te sientes hoy cansado sufriendo soledad

If you feel tired today, suffering loneliness

Si te sientes fracasado mi Dios te va a ayudar

If you feel defeated, my God will help you

Pues dejó a sus ovejas te viene a buscar

Because He left His sheep and is coming to find you

Y si sientes su presencia vamos juntos a cantar.

And if you feel His presence, let's sing together.

Moderated by Diego Martín
Caracas, Venezuela July 29, 2024
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