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Te lo dice

It tells you



El telon arriba esta

The curtain is up

Hoy tu debut me toca ver

Today, your debut, I have to witness

Es una tragicomedia

It's a tragicomedy

En la que eres feliz con el

In which you are happy with him

Me pregunto cuando fue

I wonder when it was

Que aprendiste a actuar asi

That you learned to act like this

Y si de igual forma me engañaste a mi

And if you deceived me in the same way



Tu eres traicionera

You are deceitful

Haces daño

You cause harm

Eres maestra del engaño

You are a master of deceit

Corazon de piedra

Heart of stone

Asesino del amor

Love's murderer

Naciste para causar dolor (x2)

You were born to cause pain (x2)

Posees un encanto

You possess a charm

Que enamoraria al diablo

That would enamor the devil

Y por un beso de tus labios

And for a kiss from your lips

El mas santo se convierte en pecador

The holiest turns into a sinner

Das amor por conveniencia

You give love for convenience

Sin recargos de conciencia

Without a conscience surcharge

Tus cariños y tus abrazos

Your affections and your hugs

Son pa'l que pague mejor

Are for the one who pays better

Y siento lastima

And I feel pity

Por aquel idiota

For that idiot

Porque al igual que a mi

Because just like me

Tu lo haras llorar

You will make him cry

El cree que lo amaras

He believes you will love him

Pero lo utilizaras

But you will use him

Y cuando ya no te sirva

And when he's no longer useful

Lo abandonaras

You'll abandon him



Tu eres traicionera

You are deceitful

Haces daño

You cause harm

Eres maestra del engaño

You are a master of deceit

Corazon de piedra

Heart of stone

Asesino del amor

Love's murderer

Naciste para causar dolor (x2)

You were born to cause pain (x2)

Tu teatro sigue mas

Your play continues

De ti ya nada quiero ver

I don't want to see anything more of you

Le doy gracias al destino

I thank destiny

Porque al fin me libere

Because finally, I freed myself

De este infierno que he vivido

From this hell I've lived

De lo mucho que he sufrido

From how much I've suffered

A otro le toca perder

It's someone else's turn to lose

Pero se que la trama cambiara

But I know the plot will change

Y ese dia lloraras

And that day, you will cry

Cuando tu pelo sea blanco

When your hair is white

Y ya no seas hermosa

And you are no longer beautiful

Te vas a enamorar

You will fall in love

Pero mal te pagaran

But they will repay you badly

El destino de ti se encargara

Your destiny will take care of you



Tu eres traicionera

You are deceitful

Haces daño

You cause harm

Eres maestra del engaño

You are a master of deceit

Corazon de piedra

Heart of stone

Asesino del amor

Love's murderer

Naciste para causar dolor (x2)

You were born to cause pain (x2)

Moderated by Pedro Castro
Asunción, Paraguay September 26, 2024
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