La Troquita (part. Lalo Mora)
Lupe MenozaLyrics
Una troquita coloradita rumbadorcita es de don isaac
A little red truck, a rumbling one, belongs to Don Isaac
Es tironera como cualquiera, nunca se queda ni aqui ni allá
It's a puller like any, never stays here or there
Hay muchas gentes que son sus clientes y de repente la oyen pitar
There are many people who are its clients, and suddenly they hear it honking
Sale el pasaje con su equipaje que va de viaje, va pa terán
The passengers come out with their luggage, going on a trip, heading to Terán
Pasa volada la condenada, va bien cargada va pa terán
The darn thing passes by, heavily loaded, heading to Terán
Vuelve en la tarde con el compadre y la comadre de don isaac
Returns in the evening with the compadre and the comadre of Don Isaac
Es muy buen coche pa andar de noche le aplana el clutch sin rechinar
It's a very good car for traveling at night, the clutch is pressed without squeaking
Porque su dueño no le da sueño y con mucho empeño la sabe arrear
Because its owner doesn't give it sleep and with great determination, knows how to handle it
Por compostura ella no se apura y no le dura sin trabajar
For appearance, it doesn't rush, and it doesn't last without working
Quita fierritos poco a poquito y muy prontito la vuelve a armar
Takes out little pieces bit by bit and very quickly puts it back together
Y victorina que es cosa fina en la cocina la ha de encontrar
And Victorina, who is a fine thing in the kitchen, will find it there
Esta guisando y esta torteando esta esperando a don isaac
She's cooking and baking, waiting for Don Isaac
Pasa volada la condenada, va bien cargada va pa terán
The darn thing passes by, heavily loaded, heading to Terán
Vuelve en la tarde con el compadre y la comadre de don isaac
Returns in the evening with the compadre and the comadre of Don Isaac
Es muy buen coche pa andar de noche le aplana el clutch sin rechinar
It's a very good car for traveling at night, the clutch is pressed without squeaking
Porque su dueño no le da sueño y con mucho empeño la sabe arrear
Because its owner doesn't give it sleep and with great determination, knows how to handle it