Con El Alma Desnuda
Los RehenesLyrics
Unas lágrimas tras otra
One tear after another
Y no dejan de caer
And they don't stop falling
Asesino de ilusiones
Assassin of illusions
Y de sentimiento cruel
And of cruel sentiment
Hay sonrisas que lastiman
There are smiles that hurt
Y de ti yo me burle
And I mocked you
Esas lágrimas que lloro
Those tears I cry
Son cristales que al caer
Are crystals that, upon falling
Siento me rompen el alma
I feel they break my soul
Y a mi corazón también
And my heart too
Hoy me debo mi derrota
Today I owe my defeat
Atrás no puedo volver
I can't go back
Yo le hice daño tanto, tanto daño
I hurt her so much, so much hurt
Me burlaba de su amor
I mocked her love
Hoy con el alma desnuda
Today with the naked soul
Quisiera pedir perdón
I would like to ask for forgiveness
Ayer se fue tan herida
Yesterday she left so wounded
Tal vez de amor se murió
Perhaps she died of love
Tal vez se ríe de la vida
Maybe she laughs at life
Y hoy se burla del amor
And today mocks love
Tal vez a mi alma desnuda
Perhaps to my naked soul
Le pueda brindar amor calor
I can offer love and warmth
Y a pesar de estar herida
And despite being wounded
Aun no conoce el rencor
She still doesn't know rancor
Tal vez espera que vaya
Maybe she hopes I'll go
Tal vez me de su perdón
Maybe she'll give me her forgiveness
Tal vez su alma y la mía
Maybe her soul and mine
Puedan vestirse de amor
Can be dressed in love