Los 4 Grandes
Los Buitres de Culiacán SinaloaLyrics
Cuatro hombres de gran valor
Four men of great courage
Q aqi se encuentran presentes
Who are present here
Les cantamos sus corridos
We sing to them their corridos
Porq en verdad son valientes
Because they are truly brave
Eso ya esta comprobado
That is already proven
Ay q tenerlo presente
We must keep that in mind
Con medio kilo lavado
With half a kilo washed
Daba principio la fiesta
The party began
Se oian rugir los motores
The engines were roaring
De las nuevas camionetas
Of the new trucks
Del año nuevo llegaban
From the new year they arrived
Sonaban las metralletas
The machine guns were sounding
Ai estaban cuatro grandes
There were four great ones
De esos q son shakalosos
Of those who are daring
Poncho venia de jalisco
Poncho came from Jalisco
Los otros tres de sonora
The other three from Sonora
El nueve el siete i el diez
Nine, seven, and ten
I el chapo manda la ora
And Chapo commands the hour
Las avionetas bajaban
The airplanes were descending
Como si fueran palomas
As if they were doves
Pura cola de borrego
Pure sheep's tail
Era lo q transportaba
Was what they were transporting
En el merito sonora
In the heart of Sonora
Ya la tenian bien tratada
They already had it well treated
El nueve le an apodado
Nine is nicknamed
Rolando lo sabe bien
Rolando knows it well
Saben q es el mero mero
They know he is the top one
Lo an qerido detener
They have wanted to detain him
Pero se an eqivocado
But they have been mistaken
A crecido su poder
His power has grown
Ya i con esta me despido
And with this, I say goodbye
Las aves vienen bajando
The birds are coming down
El nueve el siete i el diez
Nine, seven, and ten
Luz verde ya le estan dando
They are already giving the green light
Muy pronto aqi nos veremos
Very soon, we will see each other here
Con otro cuadro lavado
With another washed scenario