Beso a beso
La Mona JiménezLyrics
Beso a beso me enamore de ti
Kiss by kiss, I fell in love with you
Beso a beso me enamore de ti
Kiss by kiss, I fell in love with you
Beso a beso me enamore de ti
Kiss by kiss, I fell in love with you
Beso a beso la noche aparecio
Kiss by kiss, the night appeared
Y jugando al amor nos encontró
And playing with love, it found us
Beso a beso me enamore de ti
Kiss by kiss, I fell in love with you
Beso a beso a quererte yo aprendí
Kiss by kiss, I learned to love you
Beso a beso la noche termino
Kiss by kiss, the night ended
Y enredados hasta que salió el Sol
And entangled until the sun came out
Arena corriendo por tu cuerpo
Sand running down your body
El agua deslizándose en tu espalda
Water sliding down your back
El viento rozando tus cabellos
The wind brushing your hair
Tu piel sobre mi piel prendiendo el fuego
Your skin on my skin igniting the fire
Tu boca se hizo amiga de mi boca
Your mouth became friends with mine
Tus besos apretándome te siento
Your kisses pressing against me, I feel you
El tiempo va pasando
Time is passing
Abrazado a tu cintura
Wrapped around your waist
Deseándote, amándote
Desiring you, loving you
Como no ame a ninguna
Like I haven't loved anyone
Beso a beso me enamore de ti
Kiss by kiss, I fell in love with you
Beso a beso me enamore de ti
Kiss by kiss, I fell in love with you
Beso a beso me enamore de ti
Kiss by kiss, I fell in love with you
Beso a beso me enamore de ti
Kiss by kiss, I fell in love with you
Y jugando al amor nos encontró
And playing with love, it found us
Beso a beso me enamore de ti
Kiss by kiss, I fell in love with you
Beso a beso a quererte yo aprendí
Kiss by kiss, I learned to love you
Beso a beso la noche termino
Kiss by kiss, the night ended
Y enredados hasta que salió el Sol
And entangled until the sun came out
Mis dedos caminando por tu pecho
My fingers walking on your chest
Besándote hasta el centro de tu cuerpo
Kissing you to the center of your body
Tus labios en mi cuello desatando mi locura deseándote
Your lips on my neck, unleashing my madness, desiring you
Amándote como no ame a ninguna
Loving you like I haven't loved anyone