Desde Que Estamos Juntos

Kevin & Karla
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Yo estaba vestido de habanero

I was dressed as a habanero

Tú dijiste adiós con la mirada

You said goodbye with a look

Mientras que sonaba un tal Romeo

While Romeo played

En un balcón de la vieja Habana

On a balcony in old Havana

No hay nada más perro que el amor

There's nothing more dog than love

Porque muerde siempre, antes que ladra

Because it bites always before it barks

Me latió tan fuerte el corazón

My heart beat so hard

Me dijiste ven desde la barra

You told me to come from the bar

Y yo te dije: Niña te invito a un mojito

And I said to you: Girl, I invite you to a mojito

Tú me dejaste clarito, que la cosa no iba así

You made it clear that things weren't going that way

Y fue entonces, cuando le pedí a la virgen

And it was then when I asked the Virgin

De la caridad del cobre, que intercediera por mi

Of the Charity of Cobre, to intercede for me

De repente, tu cambiaste de semblante

Suddenly, you changed your expression

Me empezaste a ver galante,

You started to see me gallant

Yo te dije eres mi actriz

I said you are my actress

Fuimos sólo dos extraños

We were just two strangers

Y han pasado ya diez años

And ten years have passed

Mi amor propio se quedó en los huesos

My self-love stayed in the bones

Que pasa contigo, me dijiste

What's wrong with you, you said to me

Dejó de sonar el tal romeo

The Romeo thing stopped sounding

Le llegó el turno a Silvio Rodríguez

It was Silvio Rodríguez's turn

Y a lomos de un unicornio azul

And on the back of a blue unicorn

Te perdiste por el Malecón

You got lost on the Malecón

Yo me hice la señal de la cruz

I made the sign of the cross

Tú no me dejaste otra elección

You didn't leave me another choice

Y yo te dije: Niña te invito a un mojito

And I said to you: Girl, I invite you to a mojito

Tú me dejaste clarito, que la cosa no iba así (Ay, que la cosa no iba así)

You made it clear that things weren't going that way (Oh, things weren't going that way)

Y fue entonces, cuando le pedí a la virgen

And it was then when I asked the Virgin

De la caridad del cobre, que intercediera por mi (Ay, que intercediera por mi)

Of the Charity of Cobre, to intercede for me (Oh, to intercede for me)

De repente, tu cambiaste de semblante

Suddenly, you changed your expression

Me empezaste a ver galante,

You started to see me gallant

Yo te dije eres mi actriz

I said you are my actress

Luego por fin bailamos yo prometí no pisarte

Then finally, we danced, I promised not to step on you

Tú eras cien libras de arte y me empezaste a acalorar (Tú me empezaste a acalorar)

You were a hundred pounds of art and you started to heat me up (You started to heat me up)

Me volviste, mi amor, loca de remate

You made me, my love, crazy

Tus labios de chocolate, me invitaron a pecar (Tu me invitaste)

Your chocolate lips invited me to sin (You invited me)

Y te dije: No todas somo iguales

And I said to you: Not all of us are the same

Y mis manos ilegales

And my illegal hands

Comenzaron a temblar

Started to tremble

Fuimos sólo dos extraños

We were just two strangers

Y han pasado ya diez años

And ten years have passed

Desde que estamos juntos

Since we've been together

Por que volví a buscarte

Because I came back to look for you

Yo te pedí perdón

I asked for your forgiveness

Me hiciste arrodillarme

You made me kneel

Desde que estamos juntos

Since we've been together

Mi cielo el de tu boca

My heaven is your mouth

Y a cinco bajo cero

And at five below zero

Sigue estorbando la ropa

The clothes keep getting in the way

Desde que estamos juntos

Since we've been together

Desde que estamos juntos

Since we've been together

Desde que estamos

Since we've been

Desde que estamos

Since we've been

Desde que estamos juntos

Since we've been together

Moderated by Carlos García
Lima, Perú May 28, 2024
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