Yo Creo Que Es Tiempo
Juan GabrielLyrics
Yo creo que es tiempo que te vayas a tu tierra
I believe it's time for you to go to your homeland
No olvides que otro amor alla te esta esperando
Don't forget that another love is waiting for you there
Yo creo que es tiempo que regreses ya con el
I believe it's time for you to return to him
Y que conmigo no le sigas engañando
And that you stop deceiving with me
Yo creo que es tiempo que prepares tus maletas
I believe it's time for you to pack your bags
Y de esta casa y de este amor vete olvidando
And forget about this house and this love
Si algunas cosas no te caben ahi las dejas
If some things don't fit, leave them there
No te preocupes que yo luego te las mando
Don't worry, I'll send them to you later
Y asi nos haces a los dos un gran favor
And in doing so, you do us both a great favor
Y no me llames no me escribas no hace falta
And don't call me, don't write to me, it's not necessary
A el es a quien tu debes darle amor
He is the one to whom you should give love
Con lo que yo contigo tuve a mi me basta
With what I had with you, it's enough for me
Yo creo que es tiempo de que alegres su tristeza
I believe it's time to brighten his sadness
Yo se que en el diariamente estas pensando
I know that you think about him daily
No te preocupes tu por mi ten la certeza
Don't worry about me, be certain
Que yo no voy a estar por ti jamas llorando
That I will never be crying for you
Yo creo que es tiempo que no ves que el te espera
I believe it's time, can't you see he's waiting for you?
No vaya ser que de otra se ande enamorando
Don't let him fall in love with another
No vaya ser que llegues tarde y ya no quiera
Don't let it be too late, and he no longer wants
Por que de tanto esperar se esta cansando
Because from waiting too long, he's getting tired
Y asi nos haces a los dos un gran favor
And in doing so, you do us both a great favor
Ya no me llames no me escribas no hace falta
Don't call me anymore, don't write to me, it's not necessary
A el es a quien tu debes darle amor
He is the one to whom you should give love
Con lo que yo contigo tuve a mi me basta
With what I had with you, it's enough for me