Alta Y Delgadita

Jose Julian
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Eres alta y delgadita

You're tall and slender

Tu figura me provoca

Your figure provokes me

Mira que nariz, que boca, que cinturita

Look at that nose, that mouth, that little waist

No la cambiaria por otra

I wouldn't trade her for another

Ni aunque fuera mas bonita, cua

Not even if she were more beautiful, no

Eres vaso de cristal

You're a crystal glass

Que en mar andas nadando

That swims in the sea

Como te puedo hablar

How can I talk to you?

Nada mas te ando rodeando

I just keep circling around you

No seas ingrata conmigo

Don't be ungrateful to me

No me hagas andar penando

Don't make me suffer

Del cielo se caen las nubes

Clouds fall from the sky

Eso si no hay que dudar

That's one thing not to doubt

Bonitas son las trigueñas

Brunettes are beautiful

Sacándolas a pasear

Taking them out for a walk

Con dinero y no con señas

With money, not with signs

Hay que bonito es amar.

How beautiful it is to love

Yo no quiero a las casadas

I don't want married women

Por consejos de cupido

By Cupid's advice

El que ama mujer ajena

He who loves another's woman

Siempre esta descolorido

Is always faded

Será por las desveladas

Maybe due to sleepless nights

O por miedo del marido

Or out of fear of the husband

Soy un gavilán del norte

I'm a northern hawk

De las alas coloradas

With red-colored wings

A mí no me rinde el sueño

Sleep doesn't surrender to me

Ni me hacen las desveladas

Nor do sleepless nights affect me

Platicando con mi chata

Talking with my girl

Aunque fuera puñaladas

Even if it were stabbings

Ya con esta me despido

Now I say goodbye

Cortando un amapolita

Cutting a poppy

Aquí se acaba cantando

Here it ends by singing

Versos de la delgadita

Verses about the slender one

No la cambiaria por otra

I wouldn't trade her for another

Ni aunque fuera mas bonita.

Not even if she were more beautiful

Moderated by Javier Sánchez
Bogotá, Colombia May 22, 2024
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